Let’s Get Started
Follow these simple steps to get started with your AdviceEngine integration.
Get your credentials
Before calling any AdviceEngine API, a successful authentication call must be made with a valid and current username/password.
Request Access if you don’t already have these details.
Send a GET request to the https://api.adviceengine.io/authenticate endpoint with the username and password in the request body.
If successful, the Authorization response header will contain the JWT token that must be send in the headers for subsequent requests as a bearer token in the following format.
Run a Basic Projection
Now that you are cleared for take-off, let’s run your first projection. Our APIs are designed specifically so you can provide as little, or as much detail as required.
Let’s start with the simplest possible projection for an 35 year old with $50k salary and $100k in super.
First we specify a startDate for the projection of 1st July 2021. Within the client object, we then specify:
age/ageAtStart - AdviceEngine allows you to specify ages by providing their age at the start of the projection or their date of birth. In this case, we use ageAtStart
income/employmentPackage/salary - we set the salary here using the default assumption of it being a gross amount inclusive of super.
accounts/accumulations/balance - this is a list of all the client accounts. For this example, there is a single accumulation account which we specify the balance for
Send a POST request to the https://api.adviceengine.io/projections endpoint with this request body.
To keep things simple, there are a lot of assumptions applied by AdviceEngine such as retirement age, growth rate and inflation. We will show you how to use your own assumptions a little later.